
Our ambition
Moreover, Ivoire Coton positions itself as an actor of excellence in environmental and social practices.
About us
We are a long-standing company in the cotton sector, based in the North West of Côte d'Ivoire, operating in the processing ginning of seed cotton and the marketing of its products.
Our primary goal in engaging in this activity, is to promote the development of farms and their farmers’ organizations, as well as to contribute to improving the standard of living of rural communities in the region.
Aware of this unique responsibility, we are constantly reinventing ourselves to meet the needs of our farmers and support them on a daily basis in the best conditions, while adapting to changes in the economic, social and natural environment.
Similarly, we strive to contribute to the development of the areas where we operate, through concrete social actions and active dialogue with local populations.
At Ivoire Coton, we sum up our ambition in just a few words: Cotton for development.
Acquisition of the North-West lot
Following the decision of the government of Côte d’Ivoire to disengage from productive activities on the one hand, and to liberalize the cotton industry on the other hand, the North-West lot was acquired in 1998 by a consortium made of IPS(WA) and PAUL REINHART-AG, a Swiss cotton trader.
August 23, 1998
Creation of Ivoire Coton
The consortium established the Ivoire Coton Company on August 23, 1998, with a capital of 15,122,000,000 FCFA held by FILTISAC (42%), PAUL REINHART AG (26%), IPS(WA) (17%), DEG (15%) a German Bank (subsidiary of KFW). The latter was replaced by Oikocredit, a Dutch company that acts as a global cooperative and social investor, in 2016.
June, 2008
Acquisition of the M’Bengué Factory
In June 2008, further to the liquidation of LCCI, IVOIRE COTON acquired the M'Bengue lot, and created an operating company called M'BENGUE COTON, an affiliate of Ivoire Coton.
June 22, 2012
M’Bengue Coton merges with Ivoire Coton
M’Bengue Coton merged with Ivoire Coton on June 22, 2012.
The BOUNDIALI 1, BOUNDIALI 2, DIANRA, and MBENGUE industrial units, as well as the assets in BOUNDIALI, DIANRA, ODIENNE, and MBENGUE, currently make up the Ivoire Coton Company.
With 54% of the capital, Ivoire Coton also holds the majority shareholder of Faso Coton in Burkina Faso.
Ivoire Coton is a member of APROCOT-CI (Professional Association of Cotton Companies of Côte d’Ivoire), UGECI (Union of Large Industrial Enterprises of Côte d’Ivoire), ACF (African Cotton Foundation) and AFCOT (French Cotton Association).