Agricultural Supervision

These activities consist mainly in the provision of agricultural and technical counseling to producers, the supply of agricultural inputs and equipment, the maintenance of cotton roads and the collection and transport of cotton from production sites to ginning factories.     
To this end, Ivoire Coton employs more than 300 permanent employees who are in direct contact with producers and cooperatives. Agricultural activities are supervised by the regional offices of Odienné, Boundiali, Dianra and M’Bengué.

In addition, Ivoire Coton has experimental sites, aimed at increasing productivity and soil preservation, in a context of adaptation to climate change. The actions are carried out in collaboration with CNRA, FIRCA and INTERCOTON.

These activities are carried out within the framework of the Cotton made in Africa (CmiA) certification.


To further its agricultural counceling, Ivoire Coton has innovated with the production of video clips aimed at making producers more aware of best agricultural practices and the preservation of seed cotton quality.

These videos on the cotton crop cycle, harvesting, storage and marketing of seed cotton are widely distributed to cotton growers via their smartphones.


